How does Devialet Mania work with Alexa ?


How does Devialet Mania work with Alexa ?

Devialet Mania is an Amazon Alexa certified smart speaker. Alexa is a virtual assistant technology that allows you to control music playback with voice commands.. The wake-word you will need to use is "Alexa, xxxx".

  1. How can I activate Alexa in Devialet Mania?
  2. How can I change the language to speak with Alexa?
  3. How can I change the language Alexa is using to answer me?
  4. I want to disable Alexa -  how can I do that?
  5. Amazon Alexa and privacy features

How can I activate Alexa in Devialet Mania? How can I configure Alexa in Devialet Mania?

Devialet Mania will need to be installed with the Devialet APP. During the setup, the final step is about the Alexa connection, however you can still activate the Alexa services after the installation:

  • Open Devialet APP
  • Select the room where you had virtually installed Devialet Mania
  • Go into the top right icon to access the product's settings.
  • Tap on "Voice assistant"
  • Tap on "Amazon Alexa"

A new setting page will appear 


  • Tap on "Setup Alexa"
  • A welcome to Alexa page should open; select "Get started" or "Not Now"
  • Select "Get started"
  • Log into your Amazon account on the following page 
  • Select "Allow" on the page mentioning that Devialet Security profile would like to access Alexa Voice Services and Alexa account connection
  • Click on "Next"
  • And finally press the "Done" Button


N.B.: If you need to reset your Amazon login, please follow instructions to reset your password via Amazon APP or Amazon website.





How can I change the language to use with Alexa?

You can modify the languages anytime you'd like to.

To make the modification please follow steps below:

  • Open Devialet APP
  • Select the room you had vitually installed Devialet Mania
  • Go into the top right icon to access the product's settings.
  • Tap on "Voice assistant".
  • Tap on Amazon Alexa
  • Tap on Language
    • Select the language you want to use.

After this change, Alexa will use the language selected.




How can I change the language Alexa is using to answer me?

Alexa will use the language selected in your Alexa account to reply to you. Please check your Alexa app settings to select the right language. You can find this by navigating to the “Devices” section, and then selecting your Devialet Mania device.

If you can't find the language you want to set with Alexa in your Amazon Alexa account, it may be unavailable.



I want to disable Alexa, how can I do that?

There are two options to disable Alexa from your Devialet Mania.

Simplest way (but may affect your listening experience):

  • On one side of your Devialet Mania there is a toggle switch you can use to disable the microphones
  • However because this option is disabling the microphones, Devialet Mania will not adjust the audio rendering via ASC - this is necessary when you are regularly moving the speaker.
  • To revert, toggle the switch back to its original position.

Another way is via the Devialet APP

  • Open Devialet APP
  • Select the room you had configured with Devialet Mania
  • Tap on the top right icon for accessing the room and product settings.
  • Tap on "Voice Assistant" 
  • Select "Log off"




Amazon Alexa and privacy features

Alexa is designed to protect your privacy, discover here all of the privacy features available on your device.


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