How to clean Devialet Gemini I and Devialet Gemini II


How to clean Devialet Gemini I and Devialet Gemini II

This article will explain you how to clean your Devialet Gemini I or Gemini II product. Earbuds required a special attention to optimize its usage

We strongly advise to clean Devialet Gemini I or Devialet Gemini II during the unboxing and regularly after multiple uses, especially if you face one of the situations detailed below:

⚠️ - Devialet Gemini is not able to pair with a Smartphone or a Tablet (no LED light when pressing the front button of the charging case, or the LED is not blinking to indicate pairing as it should be).

⚠️ - No response from the charging case LED when one or both earbuds are placed or removed from the case. The LED should indicate battery level through a specific color -  namely Green, Orange, or Red).

⚠️ - One or both earbuds won’t charge when placed inside the charging case.

⚠️ - Gemini cannot be reset.

⚠️ - Low sound from one or both earbuds


If you prefer to walk through a guide please consult the page here


To clean up your Devialet Gemini I or Gemini II you will need:

  • Hydroalcoholic gel
  • A microfiber cloth
  • Q-Tips

For Devialet Gemini II product cleaning please follow the instructions from the videos below


For Devialet Gemini I please follow the below instructions:

Cleaning the Earbuds (Devialet Gemini I)

  • Do not place your earbuds under water.
  • Remove the eartips from each earbud by pulling them towards you.

  • Using an hydroalcoholic gel, a disinfecting wipe, or antibacterial gel, gently wipe the exterior surfaces of your earbuds with a microfiber cloth.
  • Carefully wipe the electrical connectors on the back of the earbuds. This step is essential to ensure that the headphones work properly over time.
  • Make sure to avoid the speaker grid and the microphone holes. Avoid getting moisture in any of the openings and don’t submerge the earbuds in any cleaning solution.
  • Dry them using a soft dry cloth.
  • Do not attempt using them before they are completely dry.
  • Wait for the earbuds to be completely dry before placing them inside the charging case.


Cleaning the Charging case (Devialet Gemini I)

  • Make sure to remove the earbuds from the charging case.
  • Don’t place your charging case underwater.
  • Using 70 percent isopropyl alcohol, a disinfecting wipe, or a cloth dampened with fresh water, gently wipe the exterior and interior surfaces of the charging case.
  • Carefully wipe down the electrical connectors inside the charging case. This step is essential to ensure that the charging case work properly over time.
  • Dry it using a soft dry cloth.
  • Wait for the charging case to be completely dry before placing the earbuds inside.


How to clean the Eartips (Devialet Gemini I)


  • Before cleaning the eartips, make sure to remove them from each earbud by pulling them towards you.
  • Rinse the eartips with lukewarm water, you can use a Q-tip to gently remove any dust.
  • Dry the eartips with a soft dry cloth.
  • Wait for the eartips to be completely dry before reattaching them to the earbuds.
  • Attach the eartips to the earbuds by pushing them in until secured.
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