How to use Bluetooth with your Devialet system?


How to use Bluetooth with your Devialet system?

In this article, you will learn how to use Bluetooth with your Devialet Product (Dione, Mania, Phantom I & II) through the Devialet and Spark Apps. For a smoother experience, please use the guide here.



Before you start:

Please keep in mind that when you choose Bluetooth to stream your music, the use is the same regardless of the phone or computer used (in case that you have a phone or computer recent enough to use the latest Bluetooth formats). 

Bluetooth is a connection model with some restriction when it comes to distance between the source and the player.  


Step 1

By default, your Devialet Device is invisible as a Bluetooth device on DOS2. It must, therefore, be made visible as a Bluetooth device for being paired with a phone/computer for the first time.


For Phantom : Open the Devialet application and click on Bluetooth. Activate the Bluetooth. The Phantom will now be visible in Bluetooth for 2 minutes.  On Phantom II you can also use the capacitive button on the upper side of the Casing - make a long press till the LED goes to Blue color, then the Phantom will be visible as a Bluetooth device for 2 minutes. 

For Dione and Mania : Press the Bluetooth icon on your device. The device will now be visible in Bluetooth for 2 minutes.  


Step 2

  • Open the Bluetooth settings on your phone/computer
  • Search for devices near you
  • Your Devialet system should appear in the list of detected devices. The name of the configured part will appear. 

NB: If you have configured 2 or more rooms in the Devialet app, then they will all appear separately in the Bluetooth settings of the phone/computer. Your phone will not be able to pair with several rooms at the same time. 

  • Select the room you want to pair with your phone/computer. 

Your phone/computer is now paired via Bluetooth to the Devialet system. This same phone/computer will keep the device in memory and will not need to detect it for future use in Bluetooth. On the other hand, if you want to pair a new phone, you will have to activate the  Bluetooth pairing mode again via the Devialet application.


Piloting with Spark

If you are still using Spark to control your Phantom, we strongly recommend you to move to DOS 2, which is our latest version of the Devialet operating system. The Bluetooth protocol is more secure in this new version of software while in DOS 1 (Spark) your Bluetooth connection is always available and anyone surrounding the device can connect to it without activating the pairing mode.

For Spark users - Bluetooth is always available. Therefore the steps to get connected are:

  • Open the Bluetooth settings on your phone/computer
  • Search for devices near you
  • Your Devialet system should appear in the list of detected devices. The name of the configured part will appear. If this part has 2 Phantoms, then the phone will pair on both at the same time. 
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