How to put my Devialet product on Standby Mode?


How to put my Devialet product on Standby Mode?

This article will teach you all that you need to know about the standby mode on Devialet Phantom I, Phantom II , Devialet Dione, and Devialet Mania. For a smoother experience, please find the guide version here.


Phantom with Spark

To put a Phantom in standby mode: 

  • Hold down the back button of your Phantom until the woofers move to show you that it's going on standby mode. 
  • It takes around 7 seconds to see this woofer movement. 

Please follow the same steps for each Phantom in your system if you want to put them in standby mode.

Note: it's preferable to use this guide for standby mode rather than unplugging your Phantom(s). If you are unplugging your products regularly this might affect your Phantom's installation.  

Note:  Dialog has no standby mode. In order to avoid losing your setup parameters, we recommend not unplugging the Dialog, even if you consider your Dialog being very hot - which is a normal behavior due to its limited ability to dissipate heat (due to its size).

To re-activate your Phantom: 

  • Press the button on the back of your Phantom 
  • Wait a few seconds until the woofers move to show that the Phantom is up and running again.


Phantom with Devialet APP

 To put a Phantom on standby mode: 

  • Hold down the back button of your Phantom until your Phantom makes a sound to confirm it is in stand-by mode
  • It takes around 4 seconds to see this woofer movement. 

Please follow the same steps for each Phantom in your system if you want to put them in standby mode.

Note: It is preferable to use this step-by-step for the standby mode rather than unplug your Phantom(s). If you are unplugging regularly your products this might affect your Phantom's installation

To re-activate your Phantom: 

  • Press the button on the back of your Phantom 
  • Wait a few seconds until the woofers move to show that the Phantom is up and running again.


Phantom II

 To put a Phantom in standby mode: 

  • Hold down the back button of your Phantom until your Phantom makes a sound to confirm it is in stand-by mode
  • It takes around 4 seconds to see this woofer movement. 

Please follow the same steps for each Phantom in your system if you want to put them in standby mode.

Note: It is preferable to use this guide for the standby mode rather than unplugging your Phantom(s). If you are unplugging your products regularly this might affect your Phantom's installation.

To re-activate your Phantom: 

  • Press the button on the back of your Phantom 
  • Wait a few seconds until the woofers move to show that the Phantom is up and running again.



 Devialet Dione

 To put a Devialet Dione on standby mode: 

  • Hold down the Devialet Button (🔘)
  • Product will make a sound to confirm it's in standby mode
  • Release the button

Note: It's recommended to use this method to put your device into the standby mode rather than unplugging and plugging the product back in.

To wake up Devialet Mania or Devialet Mania, just press any button.



Devialet Mania

To put a Devialet Mania in standby mode: 

  • Hold down the ON/OFF Button
  • Product will make a sound to confirm it's in standby mode
  • Release the button

Note: It's recommended to use this method to put your device into the stand by mode rather than unplugging and plugging the product back in.

To wake up Devialet Mania or Devialet Mania, just press any button.



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