Questions and answers - Devialet Astra FAQ


Questions and answers - Devialet Astra FAQ

  1. How to use a dual system 
    1. What is the Bi-amplification?
    2. How to setup various DUAL systems
  2. Pre-amplified output
    1. What is a preout ?
    2. Pre-amplified output for headset
    3. Devialet Astra as a preamp
    4. Subwoofer
    5. Preamp - Questions & Answers
  3. Configuring the Phono Stage 
    1. The Phono inputs on DEVIALET ASTRA
    2. What is RAM® and how do I set it up?
    3. RAM - Questions & Answers
  4. The Devialet Astra Remote 
    1. The Remote
    2. Touch Keys & Buttons
    3. Commands available from the Remote
    4. LED Screens
    5. Remote - Frequently asked questions
  5. Streaming sources available
  6. FAQ 
    1. How to clean my Devialet Astra?
    2. What is the factory mode on Devialet Astra and how to activate it?
    3. Can I adjust the sound on Devialet Astra?
    4. What is required power supply?
    5. LED behaviour
    6. Devialet Astra Warranty
    7. How to connect my speakers to Devialet Astra
    8. Can I use a different SAM profile for my speaker?
    9. How can I use Devialet Astra in home cinema
    10. Can I stack all Devialet Astra?
    11. Wall Mounting Devialet Astra



1. How to use a dual system 

1.1 What is the Bi-amplification?

Bi-amplification is a combination of two amplifiers, enabling them to be coupled with a pair of speakers. The amps can then focus on specific frequencies (bass, midrange or treble: this is known as horizontal bi-amplification) or on specific channels (Left or Right: this is known as vertical bi-amplification).

Bi-amplification is possible with Devialet Astra. At launch, Tri-Amping is not possible at the moment but planned down the road.


1.2 How to setup various DUAL systems

1.2.1 Dual Mono

This is the basic dual mono configurator. By default the top amplifier will handle only the right speaker and the bottom amplifier will handle only the left speaker (dual mono). 

Just like on a solo amplifier, you can select outputs from both amplifiers and customize them (except the inputs taken to link both amplifiers together). 




Step 1

To do a dual stereo setup, start from the dual mono page

Then from the amp A click on the drawing of one of the L speaker. 

Step 2

Select "Stereo" and keep 'Link" checked. 

The amp A can now receive a left + a right speaker. 

Step 3

Do the same steps for amp B

Step 4

You can turn off speakers in the configurator, otherwise all four are playing.



1.2.3 Bi-Amplification

Step 1

To do a bi amplification setup, start for a dual stereo setup. 

Step 2 Click on speaker A from the amplifier A and select stereo instead of mono
Step 3

Uncheck "LINK" and let "SPEAKER R-A" with "RIGHT" in "CHANNEL MIX". 

Step 4

Click on "SPEAKER L - A" and select "RIGHT" in "CHANNEL MIX". 

Step 5

Do the same steps for the speakers output on amplifier B, but select "LEFT" in the channel mix. 

Step 6

Set the Hi- and Low-Pass-filter on both devices to your liking, wire the amplifiers accordingly to the speakers.



2. Pre-amplified output


2.1 What is a preout ?

Devialet amplifiers are mainly equipped with inputs, which means that you can connect third-party devices, such as a CD player. It will amplify the received signal and play it on the speakers.


There are instances where it may be necessary to route the audio signal from the amplifier, such as when you want to listen to music using headphones, for example. We call it pre-amplified output or PreOut and this is configurable via the Devialet configurator.



2.2 Pre-amplified output for headset

Go to the Devialet Astra online configurator 

  • Select Digital 1 and Digital 2 and choose "Pre-amplified output, also change channel mix to left and right.
Disable the option "Mute applies to this output" on the bottom of the page.

Wire your headset to the newly set Pre-amplified outputs on the amplifier.

    1. Use an adaptor female Jack to RCA stereo male for connecting the headset to the amplifier.
    2. If the headset doesn't have an adapted jack size, then use another adapter

Action to get sounds on the headset only, depending on your source:

    1. Trigger "Mute" via remote to stop the sound playing via the speakers
    2. Adapt your configuration to only output via the headset. Then load this configuration to use the headset.


2.3 Devialet Astra as a preamp

  • Go to the Devialet Astra configurator
    • Select Digital 1 and Digital 2 and choose "Pre-amplified output, also check channel mix to left and right.
    • In the volume control at the bottom part of the page, select "Fixed". This function will disable the volume change via the remote.
  • Wire your secondary amplifier (not a Devialet one) to the preout of the Devialet amplifier.
  • Devialet Astra now works as a PreAmp, leaving the amplification to a second amplifier


2.4 Subwoofer

Go to the Devialet Astra configurator and select the Digital 1 or Digital 2 input and change it as a "Pre-amplified Output (Mono)".

You can also set the low pass filter and change the cut off frequency.

Wire your subwoofer to the Sub output of the amplifier. Low frequencies will now also play on the subwoofer.

You can also put a Hi-Pass-filter on your speakers, depending on your liking:


2.5 Preamp - Questions & Answers

Is it possible to connect a stereo "Subwoofer"?

Of course, it's possible. You can follow above instructions, but also turn on the second output and set them as "Stereo". Check which one will be the left and right channel and wire accordingly.


Can I filter the subwoofer's signal?

There are some setting to be use on the configurator:

  1. Full range - it means that the whole frequencies will be played by the subwoofer

  2. High pass - the signal will remove the bass frequences selected (based on the settings). This setting can be used for the small speakers which are not able to play very low frequences.
  3. Low pass - The signal will removed the low frequencies (based on the settings)


Can I use SAM on my headset? 

SAM is primarily designed for use with regular passive speakers and may not be compatible with headphones or headsets. The technology is optimized for enhancing the performance of passive speakers, and it may not function when connected to headphones due to differences in audio delivery and processing




3. Configure your Phono Stage


3.1. The Phono inputs on DEVIALET ASTRA

Devialet Astra is equipped with two Phono Stages. They each feature the exact same settings and can be configured from the app or the configurator. 

In a Dual-Configuration, you can use Phono 2 on both amplifiers. Phono 1 is used to daisy chain both amplifiers:
They feature the exact same settings and can be configured from the app or the configurator. 

Depending on your use case, you can either load Phono pre-configuration or do the dedicated settings for your cartridge model. 



3.2. What is RAM® and how do I set it up?

RAM® (which stands for Records Active Matching) dynamically adjusts the phono stage parameters to match the characteristics of your turntable, which encompass EQ curves, mix mode, cartridge sensitivity, and loading parameters in real-time. Meaning that, while you listen to the music, you can change the settings until you get the exact sound you can expect.

These settings are found in the Devialet app by clicking on settings then on Phono. 


Options on RAM® Menu

If you're seeking to gather comprehensive specifications and manufacturer recommendations for your cartridge, we recommend referring to the cartridge's manual or reaching out to the manufacturer directly for assistance. There is another option which is to use an online database where all specifications for cartridges are available (such as VINYL ENGINE).


  • Channels:
    • Stereo (by default)
    • Mono
    • Left or Right


  • EQ Curve: 

Here below are the option available. 


RIAA 1976














  • Max Level: 
    • 0.10mV to 1.00mV (in 0.01mV steps), for MC
    • 1.00mV to 15.00mV (in 0.1mV steps), for MM
      (NB: 0.1mV = 100uV).

Note: MC stands for Moving Coil | MM stands for Moving Magnet


  • Loading  Cartridge load resistance:
High 37 Ω
460 Ω 30 Ω
200 Ω 25 Ω
140 Ω 22 Ω
100 Ω 14 Ω
85 Ω 12 Ω
70 Ω 10 Ω 
60 Ω      


  • Cartridge load capacitance: 
0 pF 400 pF
100 pF 500 pF
200 pF 600 pF
300 pF 700 pF



3.3 RAM - Questions & Answers

Can I set my phono parameters via the Configurator?

You have the option to configure your cartridge using the configurator if you have information about its type, recommended maximum level, and loading specifications (please consult the cartridge's manufacturer for this data).


The Configurator includes a list of pre-registered cartridge models, but currently, we do not have plans to add more due to the RAM feature.


Does Devialet Recommend the RAM® menu or the configurator to set parameters?

We recommend using RAM because you can make changes on the fly and make adjustments while you are listening to music.


Where can I find all specificity for my cartridge?

You can find this information in the instruction manual for your cartridge. If you no longer have the manual, you can still contact the manufacturer or the seller of your cartridge to obtain these details. Additionally, there are existing databases with all specifications for cartridges available online such as what can be found at VINYL ENGINE

Recommendations made by the manufacturer can still be adjusted "on the fly" via the RAM® menu. Once you set it up, all parameters will be locked into your amplifier and will be applied anytime you switch to this source.


Even after fine tuning my parameters, the cartridge sound is not as expected

First, check that the cartridge is in a good condition.

Then check that it is correctly wired to the arm of the turntable.

Lastly, also check whether you need to connect the grounding or not. Turntables are often "over-amplified" to ensure optimal vinyl playback conditions, which means that any surrounding voltage could potentially be audible and negatively impact your listening experience during a session.

Another useful test to consider is connecting another turntable to the amplifier and determining whether only one of them produces undesirable sound quality. This can help isolate the source of any potential issues.


I hear a noise on the Phono input

As a reminder, the phono input is highly sensitive to environmental noise. To ensure a trouble-free experience, please double-check that the cabling between both the Astra and the turntable is correctly configured and secured.

Finally, also verify whether you need to connect the earth ground or not. Turntables are typically "over-amplified" to ensure optimal vinyl listening conditions, which means that any surrounding voltage could become audible and potentially have a negative impact on your listening session.



4. The Devialet Astra Remote

4.1 The Remote

The remote is made of a single block, it is recharged by USB-C with a lithium battery. It has a LED screen at the top to display information. There are no physical button on it. 

The commands are only touch keys on the screen at the center of the volume knob. 

Out of the box, the remote control is already paired to your Devialet Astra system.

If the connection is lost, switch Bluetooth on from your amplifier and simply hold the remote controls (Next and Previous) to the device's display. Then turn the volume control. It will then be paired to the device again.

  • Size: 115mm x 115mm x 25mm
  • Weight: 460g
  • Material: Aluminum

N.B: the back USB-C connector on Devialet ASTRA doesn't allow to connect your remote for recharge it.


4.2 Touch Keys & Buttons

Name Definition Picture
On / Off (amp) On / Off touch key to power the amp on or off 
Previous Previous touch key to go to the previous song (of the source playing) on the amp 
Next Next touch key to go to the next song (of the source playing) on the amp 
Play / Pause

Play / Pause touch key to pause or start the sound on the amp

On / Off (remote) Physical button on the back cover of the remote to turn the remote on or off (it will not effect the amp)
USB- C Physical USB-C connector to wire the remote to a charging plug   



4.3 Commands available from the Remote

Boot on the amplifier(s) Quick press on the on/off remote touch key 
Turn off the amplifier(s) Press 2s on the on/off remote touche key (with the amp on) 
Start or pause the sound Quick press on the play/pause remote touch key 
Activate mute (only on physical sources, because we can't pause them, like vinyl)  Quick press on the play/pause remote touch key. The content will still run but there will be no sound coming out.
Activate source change  Press 2s on the play/pause remote touch key. The remote will display a logo meaning that you are changing the source of the amplifier.  
Navigate the sources Quick press on the next or previous remote touch key to go to the next or previous source (LIST THE ORDER) 
Select a source Quick press on the play/pause remote touch key 
Go out of source menu  Press 2s on the play/pause remote touch key 
Go to previous song  Quick press on the previous remote touch key 
Go to next song  Quick press on the next remote touch key 
Activate remote pairing mode  Press 2s on the next & previous remote touch key at the same time (the remote LED screen and the amplifier screen will display the bluetooth pairing mode)



4.4 LED Screens

Displayed when the sound is played in a positive volume 
Displayed when the sound is played at a negative volume
Displayed when the sound is below the max negative level (physical source) or when sound is muted via the app (online sources)
Displayed when the sound is unmuted 
Displayed when the sound is paused
Displayed when the sound gets out of pause 
Displayed when we command the sound to go to the next song
Displayed when we command the sound to go to the previous song
Displayed when the battery is low 
Displayed when the battery is full
Displayed when waking the amp or going to sleep mode 

Displayed when the remote is looking to pair to an amplifier.

When the remote gets paired the 2 circles are joined. 

Displayed when the remote is downloading and installing a firmware update (happens at the same time as the amplifier firmware update but can be longer) 
Displayed when we press on next / previous of the remote at the same time, meaning the source is being changed 



4.5 Remote - Frequently asked questions

How can I replace the batteries?

There are no battery into the Devialet Astra Remote. You can charge the remote with the UBS-C cable delivered with Devialet Astra.

N.B: USB-C connector available on the back side of Devialet Astra can not charge the remote.


Can I pair more than one Remote with the same amplifier?

No, it is only possible to connect one remote to one Devialet Astra System.


Can I change the function of some Remote button?

No, there are no buttons on the remote





Devialet Astra offers you, next to the ability to connect physical sources like turntables, CD-players and others the possibility to stream online sources to the device.


Sources Tidal Connect Airplay 2 UPnP & Audirvana Roon RaaT Bluetooth Spotify Connect Google Cast
Tidal ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Spotify ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Qobuz ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Deezer ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Radio ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Local tracks ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
other sources (Amazon Music, Apple music, Pandora, Sound Cloud, Napster, etc...) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️



6. Devialet Astra FAQ 

6.1. How do I clean my Devialet Astra amplifier?

 You will need the following to clean your Devialet Astra:

  • A windshield washer liquid
  • A clean mesh microfiber cloth

Spray a small amount of the cleaning product onto the cloth and use it to clean your device. 

The same method is also recommended for cleaning the Devialet Astra Remote. 




6.2. What is the factory mode on Devialet Astra and how do I activate it?

If needed, you can reset the device by pressing the on-off button for 6 seconds when the device is already turned on.

The LED will turn pink and Devialet Astra will restart with factory settings after 10 seconds.



6.3. Can I adjust the sound on Devialet ASTRA

There is a 2-band-equalizer available in the Devialet app. 

In the sources part for connectors are adaptive volume level (similar to ICM-mode on Expert Pro - lower Bass, Mids and His clearer, improves language when a TV is connected) and bass reduceer.




6.4. What is required power supply?

All Devialet amplifiers are equipped with a universal power supply with auto calibration that accepts any voltage from 90 to 240V - 50/60Hz. Insert the cable provided in the package in the socket K and plug the other end into the outlet. Press the On/Off button on the front of the Devialet or on the remote control to switch the amplifier on.

Note that a grounded outlet is required.





6.5. Led behaviour

This are LED's reaction on Devialet and its explanation:


Blinking white Product is booting or updating the firmware
Fix White Product is on and in a normal state
Blinking blue Product is visible in bluetooth for pairing 
🔵 Fixed blue Product is paired in bluetooth to another device
Blinking green The product is being setup via the Devialet App 
🟢 Fixed green The product is not yet setup in Devialet App 
Blinking orange In a dual mono setup, one of the amplifier does not detect the other 
🟠 Fixed orange The product lost connection to the internet 
🔴 Magenta fix The product is being resetted to factory settings 



6.6. Devialet ASTRA warranty

There is a five years warranty for Devialet Astra, more detailed information, please consult the terms and conditions HERE.



6.7. How can I connect a pair of speakers to Devialet Astra

All connections are in the back of Devialet Astra. Please connect your speakers with matching cables to their corresponding sockets (I and J) and observe the correct polarity.


N.B.: For optimal performance, the speakers should be placed at an equal distance from the listener.





6.8. Can I use a different SAM profile for my speaker?

It's crucial to emphasize that you should not use a SAM® profile with a different speaker model, as doing so can potentially harm your speakers. 

SAM® operates on the fundamental principle of accurately replicating the behavior of a specific loudspeaker. This precision allows for increased excursion while ensuring the speakers are not pushed to the point of damage. To safeguard against such damage, protective measures are implemented to limit speaker excursion at exceptionally high volumes.

Consequently, if you apply an existing SAM® profile to a different speaker model, we cannot guarantee that the speaker will perform as intended or have the necessary protections in place. This misuse could lead to damage to your bass drivers or other components.



6.9. How can I use Devialet ASTRA in Home Cinema

To use Devialet Astra with a Home Cinema setup, you can wire the Pre-Out of your AV-Reciever to the Line-Input on Devialet Astra. You then choose the fixed volume. You can then use the speakers of Devialet Astra as front left and right in your home cinema.




6.10. Can I stack Devialet Astra?

Yes a Devialet Astra Light Bronze DUAL can be stacked, however the Devialet ASTRA Opéra de Paris required a special attention.

If you purchased a stack version, you will have 2 different products A regular Gold leaf Opera de Paris Devialet Astra, and a companion without any gold leafs, but in gold finish (the companion will be the product to put down in your installation).

A second Opera de Paris reference will be available with both devices casing in Gold Leafs - this products can't be stacked and should be sitting side by side. Please consult Devialet customer service or your resellers for more information.



6.11. Wall Mounting Devialet Astra

At the moment, we do not offer the fitting accessoiries to wall mount Devialet Astra. Please subscribe to our newsletter so we can inform you as soon as the mount is available. 


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