Differences between DOS 1 & DOS 2


Differences between DOS 1 & DOS 2

Feature DOS 1 & Spark DOS 2 & Devialet app
Bluetooth Yes- always available Yes - on demand
AirPlay Yes, but depends on the Phantom/Dialog - Airplay 1 only Yes - on demand, Airplay 2 (with multi-room)
Spotify connect Yes (only for Premium accounts) Yes (all accounts)
UPnP Yes Yes
Roon Ready  No Yes
Accept high-resolution streams as input (via UPnP and Roon) No Yes, up to 24 bits, 96 kHz. 
Integrated Web Radios - Integrated streaming platforms - Local music Yes No longer integrated, but can be streamed via Bluetooth, AirPlay or a third-party application (Mconnect, Bubble UPnP)
Low-latency optical mode On pro installations only  Available on the on-board configuration page
Bass reduction (night mode) Yes  Yes 
Equalizer No 2 bands EQ
Stereo Balance No  Yes
Devialet software on Windows and MacOS Yes No
Multi-room Yes (with Dialog only), Phantom II not compatible Yes (without Dialog), with any Phantom product running DOS2
Stereo Yes (with Dialog) Yes (without Dialog)
Force PLC or Wifi communication protocol & latency management No Yes
Remote control compatibility Yes for the remote V1 Yes, for V1 and V2
Dialog and optical input compatibility Yes Yes
Compatibility Arch, Dione, Mania, Phantom II No Yes
Disable autoswitch Yes Yes
Dynamic stereo pairing No - reset necessary Yes
Languages Available  English
  • French
  • English
  • Traditional Mandarin
  • Simplified Mandarin 
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • Vietnamese
  • Indonesian
  • Arabic
Simplified control through a public API (for professional use) No  Yes
Power of Phantom White  101 dB  103 dB 
Switching off from the application No Yes
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